
Monday, March 4, 2013

again I'm doing another blog on TU9 it has been confirmed that there will be spawn eggs, but it only stacks up to 16 instead of 64. there will be no jungle biome. it is unknown about redstone lamps. i will put two pictures that 4j has released .

 in the first picture you see spawn eggs are in the innovatory, also  in the back you see that the end is activated.down below in the left you see that you can now climb veins, also there are item frames that you can put blocks, tools, weapons, food, maps ant other items, they also added stonebrick stairs, and water and lava will come out of dispensers. the last part of the picture i didn't see anything except for the x on the map but i don't know what it means. in the black picture they are in the end.

the next picture you see that there is colored wood, also they confirmed you can put maps in item frames and in the in  the innovatory you can stack empty buckets and bowls. moving on to the next picture you see that you can smelt nethereack, you can also put clocks in item frames, it will show you the correct time to. next part of the picture it shows wooden buttons and it shows the way gravel look likes. the last picture proves that there are wooden buttons and colored wood stairs.

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